Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Manipulating and Controlling Women through Religions and Myths Essay

The first question is, who authored most of the religious dogma, myths, and other belief systems that we have at present? Until now, that is to say throughout all previous history, there has been a sharp gender asymmetry in the hierarchy of knowledge, and nowhere is this more clearly institutionalized than in religion (King 73). The written or oral creeds and their interpretation have for centuries dictated the societal roles that men or women played. Our epics, myths, and commandments arose from the creativity or imaginings of patriarchal society. The commonality of these expressions usually commanded woman’s subservience to the male superior its author. Before the emergence of women empowerment, it was the woman’s role to submit herself to the husband no matter what he is and did. If the setting was the home, she has to serve her king-the husband. Culture has dictated terms of what is feminine in behavior and appearance. Early Roman religious life has man as the dominant if not having the monopoly in a Roman city’s affairs. In the religious life of Rome we find reflected both the authority of the male members of society and the importance of the family as a unit of society. Women are as always not an active participant in its activities. Women are to a certain extent excluded from cult activities, not least in the public arena. They do not hold important positions of authority. Some may disagree with this and points to the so-called Vestal Virgins. Hinnels (Hinnels) points out that with the absence of women from public religious life there was one major exception, though that was a very significant one. The Vestal Virgins, the female priests of the cult of Vesta, were six women recruited as children of six years old and committed to the preservation of their virginity and the service of the goddess for thirty years. They were concerned with a very wide range of cults and rituals and it is clear that the security and health of the whole community depended on the maintenance of their duties. They had to keep the sacred fire on the hearth of Vesta burning at all times. In periods of extreme danger, the city sometimes turned on them and accused them of unchastity, evidently seeking to blame them for the crisis. If found guilty they were buried alive at the limit of the city. In some theories, they were originally the daughters of the old kings of Rome, so that their relationship to the fire and the hearth echoed the duties of the ordinary household. The theories are more attractive than reliable. Important though the Vestals may have been, they were no more than a single exception to the general exclusion of women from public positions of authority or power in the public life of Rome. Some women in the late Republic and early Empire did achieve personal power and influence, but this did not change the basic rules by which social institutions operated. If you are a Vestal virgin, your lifespan is dependent on the relative period of peace that your city enjoys. Otherwise being fired, terminated, and buried at the limit of the city is not an attractive prospect. Roman and Greek mythology may have given women important roles in their godhoods, since we have Athena, Demeter, Juno, and Aprodite, but the important chief position is always to the man- Jupiter or Zeus. For the world’s contemporary chief religions: Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, and the Confucian credos have directed that it is the primary duty of women to be obedient and devoted. The laws that enforce them are based on the existing religious and cultural belief systems and their derivations. When women are physically disfigured through foot binding and genital mutilation society, it is in compliance to tradition. How do these disfigurements served any purpose to the woman or the man? There have been disagreements as to the reason why footbinding has existed for a long time in China. Patricia Ebrey (Buckley)posits the following: Footbinding was an alteration of the body that changed everything about a woman’s physical being. Because the ideal upper-class man was by Song times a relatively subdued and refined figure, he might seem effeminate unless women could be made even more delicate, reticent, and stationary. What better than tiny feet to accomplish this? For the footbound Chinese woman, the debilitation confined her to the home and reinforced her role as the husband’s sole possession. Refinement and being subdued is no excuse for this abominable act. Female genital mutilation has been a tradition of many African tribal societies. It is a female circumcision done to prepare a young girl for marriage. This is a very unhygienic and therefore a very dangerous practice. Supposedly, mutilation ensures that the woman do not go astray since that part of her that makes her commit a sin has been removed. This inculcates a guilty feeling to the girls mind and reinforces the belief that women are morally weaker and therefore needed to be put in their position of low esteem. Such are the heavy prices that woman has to pay for being a woman. Gladly, their being widespread is confined in the past. Religion, myths, and our beliefs systems favor the man and ensure his dominance over the woman. The erstwhile Taliban regime of Afghanistan is the contemporary extreme believer of this. Under the Taliban regime in Afghanistan at the beginning of the twenty-first century, for example, punishment for noncompliance with brutally extreme restrictions on women’s appearance and behavior included public flogging and execution. Compulsion, however, is not the only or even necessarily the most effective means for encouraging women to subscribe to femininity norms. Social rewards and personal satisfaction are also motivators. Piety is its own reward for a woman of any faith who believes she is behaving in accordance with divine will. Depending on how she interprets her faith, a contemporary Muslim woman may thus signal her femininity and her piety by choosing to wear the veil whether she lives under a theocratic or a secular political system. Her choice to veil may be reinforced by additional rewards, such as greater respect and personal autonomy accorded to her by her family and the local Muslim community (Hoodfar and Hoodfar). If you are publicly flogged for wearing a knee-length dress, it is not time to fire your dressmaker it is appropriate to question if the punishment is commensurate with the offense. If jihadists believed that bombing innocent civilians will ensure them heavenly virgins, what will women suicide bombers get? Making a distortion of a religious belief by subordinating women as men’s rewards acquits women from suspicion of establishing that belief. The Judeo-Christian belief is not spared from instilling guilty feeling and low-esteem to women. Consider this passage from Numbers 5:30: . . . or when feelings of jealousy come over a man because he suspects his wife. The priest is to make her stand before the LORD and is to apply this entire law to her. The operative word her is â€Å"suspicion†. If you are suspected by your husband of having been unfaithful, you will be treated in the same manner as those proven to be guilty of the same. This could be a Damocles sword hanging over the head of the woman as she is proven once again to be not having the same rights as the man. What do you expect when your subsidiary position was ensured during creation when you were drawn from the rib of Adam. Children of Eve have borne their guilt when the first woman caused the man to transgress the law of God by eating that forsaken fruit. The woman may blame the snake who had scurried away but she had to stay by her man. This guilty feeling has always been foisted to the woman since paradise was lost. In the same vein that the Nazis annihilated the Jews for having caused the crucifixation of the Christ. In the Old Testament, having the same blood does not ensure the needed affection and respect; nothing is more abominable than the story of Lot who offered his two virgin daughters to the unruly crowd who wanted to sodomize guests. Ge. 19:5 They called to Lot, â€Å"Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them. † Ge. 19:6 Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him Ge. 19:7 and said, â€Å"No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. Ge. 19:8 Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof. † If biblical characters and the Mosaic Law subordinate women to men, you cannot expect a different perspective from the society where these belief systems are integrated. When Jewish and Muslim men became polygamous, nothing is wrong about it, but when otherwise you can surely expect a stoning. In some parts of part of Tibet, polyandry is not frowned up, but Tibet is a very small country whose religious influence is confined within its small borders. Hindu Universe, an internet website explained that in Hinduism the religious root of women’s oppression stems from the belief that the son and daughter are not inherently equal. Though many sages argued that since both come from the father’s body, there is no difference between the two, ritual status of the son is higher. Perhaps this belief that â€Å"if a man’s vitality is greater then a son would be produced, but if a woman’s vitality is greater then a daughter would be produced† is also responsible. Men looked upon their sons â€Å"as mirrors of the father†. A son therefore conducts the funeral ceremony of the parents. Though in absence of a son, a daughter can also perform them, it is only in absence of a brother. A daughter is seen as belonging ultimately not to her father’s family, but to her husband’s. So the first thing that must be done is to remove this idea that a son is more value and that daughters are born to go to another’s house. Conclusion There is something wrong with the way women were manipulated and controlled in the past apparently in compliance with the written and traditional beliefs. If this was not so, widespread women empowerment at present would not have been possible. The United Nations’ Millennium Declaration pledges explicitly â€Å"to combat all forms of violence against women and to implement the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) (Waldorf)†. And it further recognizes the importance of promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment as an effective pathway for combating poverty, hunger and disease and for stimulating truly sustainable development. Such declaration does not ensure that manipulation and control of women will cease in some corners of the world. Yet this global consensus is an indication that indeed misconceptions about gender roles are existing and should therefore be corrected. If this is a violation of Judeo-Christian, Hindu, Islamic, and other religious precepts, why then had this been adopted by many countries who had practiced the belief systems based on these religions? Why the shift to expanding women roles and even placing them in positions of leaderships in many countries? We can only conclude that this is an acceptance of women having been contained for so long. This is a silent acquiescence that indeed the forefathers and not the foremothers may have treated the children of Eve unjustly. References Buckley, Patricia. The Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period. Berkeley: University of California, 1993. Hinnels, John R. Ed. A Handbook of ancient Religions. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Hoodfar, Homa and Homa Hoodfar. More Than Clothing:Veiling as an Adaptive Strategy. Toronto: Women’s Press, 203. King, Ursula. Religion and Gender: Embedded Patterns, Interwoven Frameworks. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995. The Ages Digital Library. The Holy Bible. Albany: Ages Software, 1996. Waldorf, Lee. Pathway to Gender Equality. United Nations Fund for Women, n. d.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Finance and Term Sheet Essay

1) What are the most important terms for Laracey? Founders’ termination term is very important for Laracey because it increases the possibility that the unvested equity of the founders could be accelerated when the incoming CEO terminates them. It directly protects the benefits of the founders. 2) What are the most important issues for Guerster? Mergers, redemption, reorganization of the company, or transfers of control of edocs are the most important issues for Guerster. These issues will directly influence his proportionate ownership of edocs. 3) What is ‘liquidation preference/participation?’ Both in general, and specifically in the proposed term sheet. Compare the term sheet to M-Y: what type of security (CP, RP, PCP) is this? A liquidation preference tells an investor where she stands in the capital structure hierarchy. When there have been multiple rounds of investment, it is common for the latest-round investors to get their money back first. So the Series A preferred is getting the first dollar from any liquidation first. In this case, the investor owns the Series A preferred stocks, so in case of merger, reorganization or transfer of control of edocs, Guerster first get paid. The security is Participating Convertible Preferred (PCP) because in the liquidation term, it is mentioned that Participating goes away on valuation that corresponds to 50 million. In addition, there is conversion term in the term sheet. 4) Why is CRV so concerned about board representation? Because CRV would like to ensure that the board members could represent its right, and the company develops in the direction it expects and doesn’t spend the money it invests in other business concepts. 1) Critique Steve Papa’s fundraising strategy for the â€Å"C† financing round? What steps did he take that were sensible? What mistakes did he make? When Steve Papa realized he had to raise money, the Enterprise IT spending was slowdown. The behavior of both venture capitalists and technology market was hard to forecast. So Papa chose a wrong time for the â€Å"C† financing round. The uncertainty of the spending on technology made the investors not willing to pay as much as Papa asked. So Papa had to revaluate and lower the price for several times. However, it is sensible that Papa realized that he should go back to the market and look for the investment. 2) What are the key differences in the term sheets offered by the insider group and Ampersand? What explains the key differences? The Venrock/BVP offer an inside round at 98.5 ¢ per share. The pre-money was roughly $25 million. They would share the $10 million, with Venrock taking more to increase its ownership, and leave the round open for another $5 million, getting the deal done at $15 million with an option to close as high as $18 million. Ampersand offered at $1.25 per share, and full ratchet protection for the Series B investors. The effective pre-money, with ratchets, was $32.9 million. The key difference is the offering price. Papa told Ampersand that they could only make room for them if, Ampersand gave Endeca a term sheet that offered to lead an alternate deal at a significantly higher price by the day of the board meeting. Otherwise, it would be unfair to the insiders who had been extremely supportive throughout the entire process. And the insiders had really supported when Endeca needed it. If the insiders have worked very well and shares a common vision, it also is likely to involve a very important potential customer. So Ampersand had to offer a higher price to become attractive. 3) Analyze the impact of renegotiating the anti-dilution provisions. Was Bessemer’s request to adjust these terms reasonable? Renegotiating the anti-dilution provisions will make the investors more beneficial. Bessemer’s request to adjust these terms was reasonable. Bessemer wanted to change the anti-dilution on the B round to full ratchet. Full-ratchet anti-dilution protection allows an investor to remain his ownership in the company as same as the initial investment. Since the price of BVP’s participation was going to be important to the stock price, Bessemer’s request to adjust these terms was reasonable.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Corporate Governance Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Corporate Governance Issues - Essay Example Thus, society and business co-exist in the same place, benefiting from each other through wealth transfer or the satisfaction of a need, and as long as business meets this need and serves its purposes for both society and the owner of the business, then it continues to be an ongoing and sustainable concern as the income generated allows the business to stay in existence. However, once any of these purposes is not met, either the business ceases to exist or a new business with a different set of purposes is created. In recent years, society and business have come into escalating conflict, as businesses focus on the generation of profit at all cost to the detriment of society. Thus, business has destroyed environments, abused its workers, and even sold products that killed or injured its customers. Other businesses have abused their economic power to subdue nations, twisted the arms of their governments, and caused severe harm to other sovereign nations, their people, and their environ ments. As the phenomenon of globalisation spread in the last decade, the extent of the conflict between business and society escalated. Now, not only are businesses supposed to earn profits and meet the needs of its consuming society. It also has to stand by the quality of its products, ensure that its working conditions are human, and that all of its activities are sustainable, i.e., do not cause permanent damage to the welfare of future generations. Negligence on any of these points would open the company to damaging lawsuits, as shown by recent experiences with costly litigation on the effects of asbestos, tobacco, and faulty pharmaceuticals.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Lure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Lure - Essay Example Nowadays, casual coital relationships and pre-marital sex are widely accepted. In fact, it is a subject discussed not only among married couples but among friends, male and female alike. It is an adventure, if not a necessity that must happen for a person to find the perfect match. With this perception growing to be widely accepted, being physically attractive is not the only matter that is given attention. Since coital relationships require intimacy, fragrance should be equally important and this is the message of Gucci Guilty in its advertisement. The advertisement of the perfume, Gucci Guilty displays a nude couple and is in a physical intimate relationship. It is directed to women in particular who desire to draw and satisfy the perfect partner. With the model being beautiful and sexy, it metaphorically implies that such attributes are not enough to have a man totally captivated in her arms. The sense of smell must also be satisfied. A woman should be fragrant as well to be sexua lly appealing to the opposite sex and Gucci Guilty is the perfect perfume for such moments. The man is shown to be closing his eyes, his nose under the chin of the woman, his lips open, almost ready to kiss but not touching the neck of his lover. The neck is one of the parts of the body where perfume is applied. This suggests that the man is hooked in that area, stopping to just enjoy the smell of the woman’s perfume. The neck is also a part that is usually kissed because of where it is situated. Intimate kissing usually starts from the lips, down through the neck and, to the more intimate parts of the body. Moreover, it is one of the parts of the body that arouses sexual appetite when touched tenderly and lovingly. The man actually appears to have been mesmerized by the neck of the woman so that he was magnetized by something. That something is the scent of the woman’s perfume. This statement is not just an assumption but is proven true by what is shown in the picture . As mentioned earlier, the man is not kissing the neck of the woman, although his lips are parted, almost ready to kiss her. However, instead of him being portrayed as a very passionate lover who is ready for action, he is shown to have been magnetized, unable to resist the neck of the woman. With his face just very close to the woman without touching her neck, the photo implies that the man had to stop and sate himself with the smell of the woman. This specific reason for the man just stopping to smell the woman may not really be clearly stated in the photo but with the bottle of Gucci Guilty beside the woman, it says it all. Looking at the woman, one might wonder in relation to the statements made above, that she is not as interested about her lover as the man is of her. The man’s looks do not present any question about his physical attractiveness rather appears extremely desirable. Still the woman is not as concentrated on him as he is about her. This is because the perfu me is worn by the woman that is why it is only the man who is captivated by her. The woman’s lips are slightly curved to a smile which shows satisfaction. She appears to be happy about how her lover is so attracted to her but her smile has something else beside the satisfaction that she feels. Looking at the woman’s eyes, one can tell that there is a knowing in her. That she knows why her lover is so a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Dutch Revolt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Dutch Revolt - Essay Example In Middle Ages there were tree independent dukedoms: Gelderland and Brabant, counties of Holland, Zeeland and Flanders, and episcopacy of Utrecht. In 1370 in order to protect own interests the cities of Holland, Zeeland and Utrecht as well as the episcopacy of Utrecht established trading-political Hanseatic League. It carried out in practice the intermediation between West, North and East Europe and had a trading hegemony in Northern Europe. In the XV century there was a beginning of state main political institutions formation. The protoplast of future parliament - The States-General - was framed in 1463. Since 1482 the territory of Nederland was a part of Habsburg's realm, and since 1556 a part of Spanish Habsburg's realm. During the times of Charles V regiment (1500 - 1558), there was completed the process of integration with contemporary Belgium and Luxemburg and later on formed the one and undivided state of Hole Roman Empire. In this period of time the term "Dutch Republic" came into existence. In economically developed regions there were circulated monetary rent and different kinds of short-term lease; there were formed the order of farmers who do for on the entrepreneurial basis. There was forming the bourgeoisie and was germinating proletariat. The "proletariat (from Latin proles, offspring) is a term used to identify a lower social class; a member of such a class is proletarian. Originally it was identified as those people who had no wealth other than their sons; the term was initially used in a derogatory sense, until Karl Marx used it as a sociological term to refer to the working class"2.Notwithstanding Spanish authorities were constantly trying to suspend the development of Netherlands. There was inquisition put into action, all people that were in bed odor with it were put to torture. In this time of spiritual oppression and political coercion in Netherlands the new religion doctrine of Calvinism, that is a "system of Christian theology and an approach to Christia n life and thought within the Protestant tradition articulated by John Calvin, a Protestant Reformer in the 16th century, and subsequently by successors, associates, followers and admirers of Calvin, his interpretation of Scripture, and perspective on Christian life and theology"3. Calvinism got its broad spread and opposed itself to theological system of Catholicism.Impassioned and filled inside with religious protest the population of Netherlands excited iconoclast movement destroying icons, statues of Saints and other matters of religion cult. . Relegated Spanish vindicatory army started the severest terror. Finally it flamed up the nationwide war, which got the name of Eighty Years War or Dutch Revolt (1566 -1648).The laboratory movement was headed by William of Orange. It should be mentioned that the struggle against Spanish enslavers pushed forward the increase of national self-consciousness. Exactly this period of time is connected with becoming of Dutch nation and language.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Fruit of the Loom Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fruit of the Loom - Research Proposal Example The main focus of the business is on producing consumer clothing of wide range catering to the needs from children to senior citizens. The overall business model of the firm is based upon selling its merchandize to chain stores and other outlets which than sell out the products of the company to the general public. The overall product range of the firm is really diverse and includes underwear as well as designer socks aimed at mass market accessed through these superstores and other chain stores. Fruit of the Loom does not sell directly to its customers through its own outlets. Firm also sells designer socks and sell them in different varieties aimed at different target customers. The overall range of socks includes designer socks for men, women, boys, girls as well as toddlers. This diversified range of products therefore caters to different needs of the customers while at the same time provides essential utility. The different ranges according to gender however are further divided into suitable categories such as â€Å"Everyday Basics†, â€Å"Stays Back†, â€Å"Odor Special†, â€Å"Sport Stretch†.1 The range of designer socks therefore covers almost every market segment and is rightly placed in the market to cater to the needs of mass market while at the same time offer designer looks and utilities. ... Such situation therefore may indicate that overall demand for designer socks may be low as consumers may not be willing to spend on high priced items. Social & demographic factors Designer clothing always suggest prestige and honor and those who use such type of clothing often attempt to build such image. As such designer products are often used by the consumers falling in high income earning groups. Technological trends Technology is shifting towards making designer socks fit to different needs of the consumers. Add-ons such as ankle support, no-fading of colors, odor-control technology etc are some of the key technological changes which will further create niches in the market. Firms focusing on offering such technological add-ons therefore can certainly be dominating in the market. Regulatory issues Regulatory issues may come in the form of health related regulations which may force firms to adapt certain technologies and practices which can reduce the health risk associated with the use of such products. Further, issues like improper labor standards, child labor as well as unhygienic conditions in countries from where raw material is imported can create significant challenges for the firms to deal with. Five Forces Analysis Threat of new entrants Though the overall cost of entry may be not be relatively high however, it may be relatively difficult for newcomers to dominate a market which is full of already established players in the market. Though consumers may prefer a certain image or attachment with a designer brand however an innovative product by a new entrant can disrupt the market. As such the overall threat of new entrants may be

Legal Aspects of Business - Law of Contract Assignment

Legal Aspects of Business - Law of Contract - Assignment Example The first and foremost thing essential for the formation of an agreement and then a contract is an offer. Offer indicates one’s willingness to do something or abstain from doing something with an intention to obtain the assent of the other. This proposal is meant for entering into a legally binding agreement. Acceptance means the approval of the other party to whom the offer has been made. In the given assignment, John is the ‘offeror’ and Kathryn is the acceptor. The offer of John to sell a brand I-Mobile for â‚ ¬300 was accepted by Kathryn though with certain changes in the actual offer. Another essential element of a valid agreement and contract is the proper communication regarding offer and acceptance. As Miller and Gentz (2010, 208) point out, two parties can enter into an agreement only through the communication of the proposal or offer and its acceptance. Such a proposal made by one party to the other is called an offer. Once the other party to whom the offer is given accepts it, it becomes a promise. Acceptance is the consent of the other party to the invitation of the first party to do something or abstain from doing something (ibid). An assent or consent to the offer is termed as an acceptance. To make the communication of offer and acceptance more meaningful, the parties in a contract must have agreed upon the subject matter of the contract in the same sense and in the same manner (ibid). A mere mental resolve on the part of the offeree to accept the offer does not amount to acceptance due to lack of manifestation of the intension to do so. There should be an oral or written communication between the offeror and the acceptor regarding the acceptance or denial of the same. Here, no such offer has been made by John to Kathryn. What John has made is just a statement that he is ready to sell his last year model mobile phone

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Human Resource Management in a Business Context Essay

Human Resource Management in a Business Context - Essay Example HR management can play a role in environmental scanning i.e. identifying and analysing external opportunities and threats that may be crucial to the company's success. Similarly HR management is in a unique position to supply competitive intelligence that may be useful in the strategic planning process. HR also participates in the strategy formulation process by supplying information regarding the company's internal strengths and weaknesses. The strengths and weaknesses of a company's human resources can have a determining effect on the viability of the firm's strategic options. So, Human Resources of such companies as Solaris Hotel and Libra Holidays Group Public Limited take up a role of Business Strategic Partner. Translating business strategies into HR practices helps a business in three ways. First, the business can adapt to change because the time from the conception to the execution of a strategy is shortened. Second, the business can better meet customer demands because its customer service strategies have been translated into specific policies and practices. Third, the business can achieve financial performance through its more effective execution of strategy. "We are the people who take pride in high professional standards. We are client focused. We stand behind our promise to deliver value for money and efficient client service. We already rank amongst the ten biggest tour operators in the UK. Our vision is to become one of the top 20 European tour operators. And we will achieve it." (11) So, Libra Holidays Group is the number one travel Group in tourism world. The Group is structured to include such fields of imposing operations as Tour Operations, Air Transport, Customer Service and Hotels. Investing on the capabilities of its people and strengthening its existing potentials in all fields of activity it anticipates its inclusion among the 20 leading tour operators in Europe. And the Libra Group has a global HR department. There are established procedures for recruitment and selection, training and development, and performance appraisal. The Solaris Hotel is a small Family Hotel with a high proportion of the staff which has worked there for many years. Recruitment of the new staff is usually on the recommendation of existing staff. Training tends to be mainly on-the-job by watching and working with more experienced member of employees. The staff is very flexible. And these two companies has decided to merge, Solaris Hotel is going to be a part of Libra Holidays Group. But there is a question: what are the changes required to enable the Solaris to become a successful member of the Libra Group That's why the aims of the topic are: 1) to suggest a series of proposals regarding the management style and performance management; 2) to define the main principles of the recruitment strategy; 3) to provide training and development processes for the staff. Main body What should be done to combine Human Resources functions when a merger happens The answer to this question depends upon a number of factors: the level of sophistication found in the Human Resources functions that exists; the charter of HR in the pre-merger organisations; and the capacity of those HR functions to meet the new demands. Well, to begin successful integration into the Libra Group Solaris company needs to provide the guidance and the process

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Building evaluation for property Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Building evaluation for property - Assignment Example After the establishment and development of the housing schemes, then comes a major process of its sustainability and maintenance works. To understand and improve the lifespan of these houses we must look into the defects and their causes which affect the quality of these structures. Consequently we have to resolve these faults using alternative construction methods or usage of substitute materials. The majority of the problems occur in two phases of the constructions of the facilities which are the planning or design phase and the other is faulty construction. 1.2 Common residential building faults and causes According to the research made by Building Research Establishment(BRE) and in its report suggested the major faults which occur in the key building elements. The top five places of faults in the structure are external walls with a fault attribution percentage of 20%, second comes the Roofs with 19%, then windows and doors contributes 13% of the faults, then floors 11% and servic es 9%. Where as Sub-structure, Planning and layout and Internal partitions come down the list. Later according to same BRE Advisory Service (Trotman P) and based on its database of building defects its came to a conclusion that the five major building faults are Rain penetration with a magnitude of 22%, then comes Condensation with 17%, Cracking 16%, Detachment 13% and lastly Entrapped water with 6%. Whereas Flooring, Appearance/discolouration/surface defects and Rising damp are also included in the list. All the above data is being collected and analyzed by the building research establishment and the ministry of housing of Australian government. 1.3 Solutions to the major issues As mentioned earlier that the issues arise by certain processes and at particular points in the structure, mentioned as the â€Å"key building elements†. Now any approach to remedy these issues would be directly in accordance with the working and durability of these key building elements. As mentione d before the worst process that damages the building is the water or rain penetration, now the source can be any place where water gathers these areas mainly includes Roof, buried/concealed pipes, external walls, windows, bathrooms, kitchens and many other places( common drains, underground drains, etc). This discussion will also cover the entrapment of water as well, which is also considered to be a defect of large impact. The next target is the solution of the problem, which can be done by mainly two activities prevention from water leakage and effective drainage system. The first element we will cover is the roof, where firstly drainage is of vital importance which must be acquired by good workman ship in which a suitable gradient must be provided, appropriate type and adequate thickness of waterproofing material, overlapping of material at joints, upturn from boundary walls and downturn towards the drains. Then comes the next key element the external wall where the source of def ect are at sleeves, deep cracks, honey comb, holes due to sub standard concrete and faulty construction. Where as the solutions are filling the cracks with chemical injections and replacing with new water proofing mortar where unavoidable. Whereas the special paints and weather proofing

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Smoking cessation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Smoking cessation - Essay Example Evidence Based Practice is essential to the medical practitioners that deal with the smokers since it is from the information gathered from the evidence based practice that nurses are able to ensure quality service delivery in the smoking and smoking cessation services. However, the nursing knowledge and clinical skills must be incorporated just as much as the appropriate evidence and integrate them with an understanding of the patient’s needs i.e. how to handle patients with smoking-related illnesses (Julia 2014). Remarkably, a partial frame of suggestions on the efficiency of intercessions to moderate the amount of deaths due to smoking in underprivileged regions via exploiting practical circumstances, preservation and provision of services; however, some mediation initiatives are hopeful but request for additional evaluation and familiarity in the field, from the nurses and medical personnel. In the past, there has been biasness in evidenced based practice in relation to smoking, where some information does not appear in the report such as the socioeconomic data on the smokers making it hard to come up with stable suppositions for all associates (Susan, 2012). Typically, the data is vital in any evidence-based practice as it generally helps the effecting of the smoking termination interpositions that can help decrease the rising rates in death, and smoking as for those communities that have occupied its peak peal. Decisively, the journal describes the key findings form the Smoking Toolkit study relevant to the smoking cessation policy for the past three years (2007 to 2010); the smoking tool kit study focused on surveys conducted monthly of representative samples of the population of England aged 16 years and above (the surveys were conducted every six months). The results shows that only a small number of smokers were familiar to the smoking cessation programs and had had discussions in the past one year and only a quarter of these smokers had gone on to the next step of the program- being offered a prescription or advised to see a stop smoking practitioner.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Eriksonian Perspective Essay Example for Free

Eriksonian Perspective Essay Greene (1991) described Eriksonian perspective on human development from the idea of epigenesis, in which each developmental stage depends upon the resolution and completion of the previous one. This idea proposed that anything that growth has a concrete map, from which it is understood that each stage has its time of passing. The Greene’s description advocates that human development is biopsychosocial and it is present throughout the human life. It is driven by a biologically set plan with the social identity being conditioned by a social factor. Erikson argued that the human ego strives to improvement that is toward mastery of its environment. Thus personal effectiveness being promoted by the social organization becomes the driven mechanism behind the progression of each stage. Erikson derived eight developmental stages with each the pitcome of the resolution serving as the first step toward the next progressively superior stage (Greene, 1991). Although each and different culture resolves the unique requirements for the development differently, such progression is said to be universal in all cultures and human organizations. Thus we can observe a common denominator that according to Erikson (Greene, 1991) is a biological program toward improvement. Baltes, Lindenberger Staudinge (1999) supported Greene’s view but attempted to view the stages of development from the practical perspective. They saw the personality’s progression through the life stages as adaptive mechanism formed and guided with the needs and pressures of the environment. In other words, they inclined more to the point of view in which the environment rather than biology was the major player in the human development. Based on this assumption, the authors suggested to view at lifespan psychology from the individual’s standpoint suggesting that two different people would develop differently even under exactly the same environmental stimuli. Ontogenesis or the study of individual development (Baltes et al. , 1999) appears to be more practical and functional. It considers the individual’s concern of â€Å"acquisition, maintenance, transformation, and attrition† (Baltes et al. , 1999) adaptive processes throughout the lifespan. However, such â€Å"Westernized notion† is not eagerly shared by some researchers (Coughlan Welsh-Breetzke, 2002). They, in particular, suggested that Eriksonian perspective is male-dominated and was presented in the Westernized context thus making individualized and masculianized human development as the blanket for the theory. According to them, such propagation of â€Å"individuality, competition, self-interest, comparative judgment, and value imperialism† devalues other life systems and steps away from the diversified views of human development. As Erikson argued (Greene, 1991) the child’s personality is first affected by the mother and then transformed through the developmental stages within and by small groups, large groups, organizations, governments, religions, and the mankind at large. The child in infancy was thought to obey inner laws of development; the inner drives that lead the child toward realization of the full potential through interaction with the environment. Such interaction with the environment causes inner restructuring of personality traits, which, through integration and synthesis, leads toward the full and complete realization of that particular stage. From Greene’s work (1991) we learn that stage 1 which is called â€Å"Basic Trust Versus basic Mistrust† lasts through two years of age and involves the establishment of trust by the infant toward the members of the family. The most illustrative of such can be little Michelle, the character from the Full House. Her interactions constantly bring the development of new personality that can be characterized by newly developed psychosocial strength (i. e. higher degree of confidence in her communications). The second stage, â€Å"Autonomy Versus Shame† is characterized with developing of self-control and not loosing the â€Å"face† in the process. Such emphasis on self-esteem is important because the children of this age easily become shamed and can develop psychosocial issues of holding on and letting go (Christiansen Palkovitz,1998). The successful resolution of this stage manifests in the child’s ability to become more independent, with some gender differences. For example (Christiansen Palkovitz, 1998) argued that male infants on his stage of development are more individualistic than their female counterparts. Coming back to Full House characters, we indeed, see that the little Michelle (once she became a little older) tends to gravitate toward her sisters and continuously seeking their approval. The child on the stage three, Initiative Versus Guilt, develops the sense of purpose, especially noticeable during the playtime. The sense of purpose drives the child toward the active exploration of the environment and according to Erikson (Greene, 1991) brings her to the discovery of the lack of a penis. Contrary to the Freud, Erikson believed that such and inevitable (in some societies) discovery of â€Å"inequity† is driven more so socially than biologically (Greene, 1991). The successful resolution of this stage is uninhibited involvement in play with other playmates. The children on the stage four, Industry Versus Inferiority, start school. This is a major transition in their lives and involved changing of perspective from the small family-based group to the larger social groups. According to Eriksonian perspective, the main drive for children on this stage is to become industrial which involves developing skills and competence through meaningful performances. The crisis on this stage may occur when the child’s self-efficacy is undermined. Learning collaborative skills and experiences can be critical at this stage of development. Stacy in Full House was often intimidated by collaborative involvement trying to achieve the performance of tasks independently. Her father and uncles often taught her that learning how to collaborate and contribute would make things easier and more effective. Almost each episode suggested how Stacy (and her sisters) put a lot of effort toward performing any task. The child experiencing successes at creating and producing some value together with his or her peers (or parents) is critical toward the stage resolution (Greene, 1991). From the age of 12 through 22, the adolescent experiences Identity Versus Identity Confusion. This is the stage when adolescent develops into the young adult and is seeking personal and unique identity. The stability of self-representation is crucial and is manifested in the desire to develop autonomy from parents, individuality of opinions, acceptance of his or her sexual preferences, and commitment to the career choices. The struggling with the issue of selfness often causes to name such stage as the most difficult. During the stage, the influence of peer groups become most consuming and focuses of interaction. The ability to sustain loyalties is the desired outcome of the resolution for this stage. Either polarity we can see in characters of the movies like Girl Interrupted, Mean Girls, Even Stevens, and others. It is an uninterrupted parade of searched identities and strive for the independence in opinions and attitudes. When the young adult enters stage six (22 through 34) he or she enters Intimacy versus isolation. The focus of his or her life becomes developing of the meaningful relationships and seeking the intimacy experiences. This is the stage when most adults develop meaningful relationships to start a family. Becoming a loner and shutting down others is a crisis to compare to a resolution of this stage. Many film features exhibit important characteristics of selfless love, on one side, and ruined families on another as picturesque illustration of this stage’s characteristics. One of the features that come to mind is Click, in which the main character is taught a lesson that commitment to family is more important than personal comfort. Even the legendary Casanova in the feature with the same name shows that final offering of commitment to start a family was an only choice. When a person advances in years and through the stages of development on to the stage 7, Generativity Versus Stagnation, he or se is concerned with teaching and guiding the next generation. The proficiency of this stage is usually takes in an ability of taking care of others (Christiansen Palkovitz,1998). The crisis may result when the person feels stagnated without being able to share personal expertise to others, especially the younger generation. This is tremendously visible in Full House as the father of the girls is trying his best to teach and guide his children. He is visibly content and happy when his instructions and guidance are accepted. The final stage, starting at about 60 deals with Integrity Versus Despair. This is when the person is concerned of personal usefulness to others during his or her lifetime. As Greene wrote in his book, â€Å"Integrity is achieved by individuals who have few regrets, who have lived productive lives, and who cope as well with their failures as they do with their successes. † There is an appreciation of the life as the whole and a content of the life well lived. People with full resolution of this stage are not afraid of death, thus develop what we call wisdom. The feature Bicentennial Man shows that quite vividly. The android becoming a human develops wisdom through the personal choice of growing old and dying in the course of the old age, although as android he could live forever. In conclusion, it is worth noticing that despite the fact that the study examines the idea of epigenesis, one can find that the transition from one developmental stage to another is not always exactly predetermined by age. For example, fro Erikson’s argument, each stage has a certain age limit. However, we are aware that not everyone fits exactly in to such age limitation and depending upon the unique characteristics of personality, micro-culture (i. e. family), group culture (i. e. school), and macro-culture (i. e. government) the age boundaries for each stage might be different. The idea that everything that growth has a concrete map from which it is understood that each stage has a certain time of passing has been observed empirically on many living species. However, we cannot claim that each species has exactly the same time passing for each stage of growth. There will be some differentiation. In such, experimental results that examine the life cycle of one species will weaken the above-discussed theory due to the fact that it is very difficult if not impossible to determine the exact age boundaries between the developmental stages from one representative of the species to another. My personal opinion lies in parallel with this conclusion. Observing my own developing in contrast with Eriksonian perspective, I find that stage four, for example, and in my case, extended before age six and way after age 12. My stage five began at age 14 rather than according to Erikson’s perspective, age 12. Many a time, the stage six begin after the age of 24 (not 22) and continues through early 40s (at least with my acquaintances). Thus, the exact map of stage development is not so exact, after all, and depends upon numerous factors I already have mentioned. Penuel (1995) in his article put the focus on identity formation. According to him, although this research primarily was based on Eriksonian perspective, there is a clear notion that each and single individual develops his or her identity not necessarily in agreement with concrete time schedule of Erikson’s stages of development. Penuel made a point that despite the fact that Vygotsky offered theoretical foundation of identity formation, the specific guidelines behind sociocultural influence on identity were not set. Penuel urged not to replace Vigotsky’s view on the identity development by Erikson’s theory but to integrate both. Thus, the main study point in Penvue’s article would be strong but not mechanistic influence of sociocultural processes on the identity formation. The discussion presented in this work strengthen my ideas that the development of an identity is more affected by external factors, like micro-culture, group-culture, and macro-culture and is not always follows the strict age-set boundaries. Observing my own and my friends’ identity formation support this notion. Stevenson-Hinde (1994) looked at human development from the different perspective. It is more systemic as in the behaviors are interconnected within the specific system, and in thus if one component is affected others are affected as well. Such perspective deviates even more from he straightforward Erikson’s theory. It is not anymore the stage development but the systemic organization of behaviors, according to Stevenson-Hinde. This study weakens the theory and my idea about the identity formation. Although and without argument some behaviors are interrelated, this fact is not necessarily the cause of identity formulation. The effect comes from the external environment thus the sociocultural characteristics affect the identity development more than the resulting set of behaviors. This conclusion s supported by self-observation. Examining my own interrelated behaviors I clearly see that those are the effect not the cause of the environmental influences. Thus environmental influences affect my behaviors that in turn help in identity formation. Horst (1995) argued with the general notion that the Erikson’s perspective did not consider accurate depiction of development through the lenses of gender. According to her claim, contrary would be more accurate. Careful study of Erikson’s stages of development does consider the gender identity in which gender is relational to components of identity formation. The point of her article is thus, to consider that the gender has an influence on identity formation. This study strengthens my views on the theory in its notion of the gender influence. Certainly, male and female would not develop equally and would not manifest the same identity formation. The differential depends upon their own perspective of self as either male or female. Even more so, how their external environment views them on the gender scale: from less feminine to more feminine and from less muscular to more muscular. Thus, their identity is formed not only from the point of view of being a human but also being a male and female and its specific location on the gender scale. My personal observations support this viewpoint. External attitudes, first from my immediate family and then from my friends) confirmed and helped me develop my identity IQ and specifically my gender identity IQ.

Apollo Group Essay Example for Free

Apollo Group Essay The Apollo Group was founded by John Sterling, a professor at San Jose State University, in 1976. They are a for-profit educational provider that specializes in educating working adults. The Apollo Group has many subsidiaries both domestic and abroad. The University of Phoenix- the largest private university in the United States Institute for Professional Development- a consultant service that provides private colleges and universities in the US with adult education program development, administration and management support The College for Financial Planning Institutes- a national leader in providing financial services education the and certification to people and companies in the financial services industry Meritus University- an online university with degree programs in Canada Apollo Global Inc- a partnership with The Carlyle Group that invest in international education services in various countries The University of Phoenix is their main subsidiary and has an enrollment of over 550,000 students. They provide undergraduate, masters and doctorial programs both online and at on-campus locations in 40 states. Since the University of Phoenix is a for-profit educator, they recognize their students as customers and have tailored their business to fit the educational needs of their customers. Their programs are geared toward working adults; they are able to educate their customers at a rapid pace with low overhead. They have simple online platforms that are easy to use and their on-campus locations consist of basic classrooms. Since their primary customers are working adults and commuting students, they do not invest in building dorms, student unions or recreational facilities at these on-campus locations. Current Issues While this business model has been profitable for Apollo Group, there are some concerns that will force them to adjust their plan. Because of the perception that online classes are ineffective, and proprietary colleges and universities are degree factories that are not providing a quality education, prestigious universities are sticking with traditional programs. This perception is shared by potential students and their employers. Apollo needs to improve the reputation of their brand. The federal government has put some regulations in place to ensure that proprietary educators are educating students and not pushing them through their programs and granting degrees to create a revenue stream from federal financial aid and student loans. The Gainful Employment Rule- If programs fail the three test of gainful employment three times in a four year span they will not be eligible to receive federal financial aid dollars. The 90/10 Rule- If the institution get more than 90% of its cash revenue from student loans, the institution cannot participate in student federal loan programs. Student Loan Defaults- The federal government sets a three year default limit on cohorts of students. If the students’ loan default rate of the cohort drops below the limit, the institution cannot participate in student federal loan programs. In addition to the negitive reputation and government regulations, the Apollo Group is facing competition from both traditional and proprietary educators. As the technology increases, more schools are investing in their distance learning programs. Apollo will need to find a way to differentiate themselves from these institutions. Recommendations I think the Apollo Group should leverage the relationships that their other subsidiaries have built with their clients, as well as the ones their professors have with their employers, to get input on redesigning their degree programs. If done properly these programs will set industry standards and change the reputation of the University of Phoenix. These redesigned programs should create more employment opportunities for their graduates and help them pass gainful employment test. Working with major corporations to create these programs and gaining their public endorsement will give them an advantage over their competitors. While their business model does not include the extra amenities of a traditional university, the University of Phoenix needs to invest in career counseling and job placement services to help their students find good jobs, this will increase the likelihood of being in compliance with federal regulations. They should also develop a business case showing how the 90/10 rule will cause them to deny enrollment to low income students and petition elected officials who serve low income areas to modify some of the federal regulations that they are governed by. Wall Street Metrics As of this writing, The Apollo Group, with a ticker symbol of APOL is trading at $20.83 per share. Its 52-week high was $29.47 and its low was $15.98. It has a P.E. ratio of 8.54% compared to 24.38% of the SP 500 and 36.39% for the sector. Its dividend yield is 0 compared to 1.85 of the SP 500 and 2.14 of the sector. It has a Beta measurement of 0.70. Based upon my analysis, I would not currently purchase this stock. Post Script The University of Phoenix recently had some trouble retaining their accreditation. A peer group with The Higher Learning Commission, a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, recommended that they be put on probation. â€Å"Specifically, the review team concluded that the University of Phoenix has insufficient autonomy relative to its parent corporation and sole shareholder, Apollo Group, Inc., to assure that its board of directors can manage the institution, assure the university’s integrity, exercise the board’s fiduciary responsibilities and make decisions necessary to achieve the institution’s mission and successful operation.† 1 The Apollo Group was able to work with the HLC’s Institutional Actions Council First Committee to retain its regional accreditation, but that the university will be placed on notice for two years. In efforts to retain students by reducing the cost of tuition, the university has created a scholarship reward program that gives eligible undergraduate degree students up to $10,000 in tuition reductions. They also instituted a tuition freeze so students will not have tuition increases as long as they are consistently enrolled in classes.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Overview of Mammography and its Importance

Overview of Mammography and its Importance Mammography is the radiographic imaging of the breasts. It is a special diagnostic and screening tool of the human breasts. A mammography is done with specific x-ray equipment which is able to find tumors too small to be felt. Mammography examinations ultimate goal is the early detection of breast cancer, typically through detection of characteristics masses and / or micro calcifications. A mammogram is the best radiographic method available for early breasts cancer detection. It is ideal and indispensable for women above the age of 40 years old, for whom the risk of breast cancer is increased. Like x-rays, mammogram uses doses of ionizing radiation to create images but at lower dose amplitude-x-rays (most often around 0.7mSv). Radiologists then analyze the produced images for any abnormalities. A longer wavelength x-rays (typically Mo-K) is normally used for mammogram compared to those used in radiography of bones. Like many other medical tests, mammograms are not 100% accurate. The refore, a regular mammogram scheduling is needed to detect any early breasts changes before any obvious signs or symptoms show up. It is also scientifically proven that mammogram can reduce breast cancer mortality rate by more than a third. Despite its function in early detection of breast cancer, mammography has a false-negative (missed cancer) rate of at least ten percent. This is due to the dense tissue obscuring the cancer and the large overlap of cancer appearance in mammograms with normal tissues appearance. Mammography first started in 1960s. However, modern mammography has only existed since 1969 when the first x-ray unit dedicated to breasts imaging was made available to the public. Such examination as a screening device became standard practice by the year of 1976. Mammography then continues to improve as lower dose of radiation able to detect smaller potential problem earlier. Throughout the years, mammography has made advances to further improve its diagnostic ability. Digital mammography and computer aided detection are two examples of recent advances in the field of mammography. Digital mammography, also known as full field digital mammography (FFDM), is a mammography system in which solid-state detectors that convert x-rays to electrical signals replace the conventional x-ray film. These detectors are similar to those found in digital cameras where electrical signals produced are used to create images of breasts which are then projected on a computer screen or printed on a speci al film similar to conventional mammograms. A digital mammogram is essentially the same as a conventional film screen mammogram. Computer aided detection (CAD) systems help to detect abnormalities by using computer software. A digitized mammographic image that can be obtained either from a digitally acquired mammogram or a conventional film mammogram is used by the computer aided systems. The computer software then searches for abnormal areas of mass, density or calcification that may indicate the presence of cancer. It highlights the abnormal areas on the images, alerting the radiologists to the need of further analysis. A special mammography machine is used for the screening of breasts. The machine comprises of an x-ray tube connected to a breasts support which houses the film cassette or imaging device on a C shaped arm, with moveable compression paddle between the two. There are few standard functional requirements for the mammography machine in order to produce a good quality image. The high voltage generator of mammography machine shall supply a near direct current high voltage with ripple less than 5 percent. Most modern mammography machines have a automatic selection for kilo voltage (kVp) output in order to optimize contrast. The generator produces a constant potential and the high voltage applied to the tube must be from 22 to 35kVp in increments of 1kVp. The focal spot size of mammography machine should be as small as possible to ensure adequate resolution. A focal spot size of 0.3mm is recommendable for general mammography and 0.1mm (small focus) for magnification views. The tube current o f mammography machine should be set as high as possible in order to minimize exposure time and thus reducing the likelihood of motion artifact. A moving grid with grid factor of less than 2.5 at 30 kVp is essential to ensure optimum image quality. An automatic exposure control (AEC) is important in mammography machine. This is due to the wide variation in breasts sizes and compositions. There is little scope for mAs selection errors as there is a need for high radiographic contrast and consequently the system has low latitude. As for image recording material, most of the mammography facilities are still utilizing traditional cassettes, intensifying screens and single emulsion film with processing being taking place. Mammography usually uses cassette containing a single intensifying screen and the film which is usually green sensitive has a single emulsion layer. Both these equipment are essential to give optimum resolution. A mammography film requires high spatial resolution. It sho uld has enough speed to ensure that the dose is acceptable without being so fast that it causes visible quantum mottle and high contrast with enough latitude to show both dense glandular tissue and the skin edge. Quality control, assurance programs and strict processing parameters are vital to ensure the standard in film quality is not compromised. Any reduction in film quality may lead to misinterpretation of image and incorrect diagnosis. In the modern days, digital mammography is slowing making its way to the imaging field. This modern modality has some advantages over the conventional film mammography. The examination time and time between examining patients decreases as chemical processing and changeover of cassette is no longer necessary. Markers can be applied on image digitally. Images produced can also be manipulated. One of the major advantages of image manipulation is the ability for image magnification with significantly less unsharpness compared to those associated with macro or magnification images that are sometimes required to demonstrate suspicious areas already seen on mammograms. Unlike the conventional magnification views, digital magnification does not involve an additional exposure to radiation. Patients are required to do some preparations prior to a mammography examination. Fasting or observation in particular dietetic rules days before mammogram examination is not necessary. However, for women sensitive to caffeine, they shall refrain from taking caffeine containing products such as cola, chocolate and coffee two weeks before undergoing the test. This is because caffeine could make the breasts more tender which may affect the quality of radiograph. Menstrual cycle phase usually does not affect the outcome of the examination. However, it is also highly recommendable to schedule for mammogram one week following patients menstrual cycle. This is so as the breasts are less tender compared to that during pre-ovulatory and postovulatory period (half cycle) as well as during premenstrual period. It is also advisable for patients to wear two piece clothing on examination day to ease the undressing process for mammogram. Cosmetics, oils, creams, lotion and talc or deodorant must n ot be applied hours prior to test at the underarms and breasts areas. Failure in doing so may result in those appearing in mammogram as calcium spots. Patients are also encouraged to bring along all previous mammograms for comparison purposes by the radiologist. Most often, mammograms are done on older patients compared to younger patients. this is due to the breast tissue changes during life. The breast tissue density in younger women often makes mammogram rather difficult to interpret. However, as women age increases, some changes in the structure of breasts occurs as glandular and fibrous tissues reduce in size and this results in breasts tissues become more fatty. On the examination day, a simple interview with the patients is conducted before the examination takes place. They will be asked on any prior surgeries history, family or personal history of breasts cancer as well as hormone use. It is also the responsibility of the radiographer or technologist to enquire the patients last menstrual period as to determine whether the patient is pregnant. Pregnant patients are not recommendable for such examination. Upon completion of the short interview, patients are then ushered to change into hospital gown and remove all potential artifact before proceeding for the examination. When the examination takes place, the breast is compressed using compression paddle on the mammography unit. A parallel plate compression evens out the breast tissue. Compression of breast reduces the thickness of tissue that x-rays penetrate, decreases the amount of scattered radiation, and reduces the required radiation dose and holding the breast (remove movement unsharpness) still and thus improving the image quality. Both craniocaudal, CC view (head to foot) and mediolateral oblique, MLO (angled side view) of the breast are taken in screening mammography. Extra views such as geometrically magnified and spot-compressed views of particular area of concern may be taken in diagnostic mammography. While performing the craniocaudal (CC) view, the mammography unit is positioned with the breast support table (image receptor holder) horizontal and the height adjusted to slightly above the level of patients inframammary angle. The patient is then instructed to face the machine, standing w ith approximately 5-6cm back, feet facing the machine but body rotated 15-20Â ° away from the side under examination. This is so that the breast under examination is brought closer to the image receptor holder and aligned with the center of it. The patients arms hang loosely by her side and head is turned away from the side to be examined. The breast is then lifted gently up and away from the chest wall of patient. While supporting the breast, the height of the machine is adjusted so that the image receptor holder makes contact with the breast at the inframammary fold and the breast is approximately 90Â ° to the chest wall. The breast is then carefully placed in contact with the cassette. Hand is then slowly removed from the breast, whilst ensuring that no skin folds are created underneath the breast. Patients arm of the side under examination is then flexed at the elbow and the hand is placed on the patients lower abdomen or relaxed at the side of the trunk. This relaxes the pect oral muscle. Patients shoulder is gently pressed down to bring the outer quadrant of the breast into contact with the image receptor. Slight pressure is maintained at the patients back to ensure she does not inadvertently pull back from the unit and cause some tissue to be lost from the resultant image. Radiographers thumb is then placed n the medial aspect and middle finger on the superior aspect of the breast, gently pulling forward towards the nipple while the compression is applied slowly. Radiographers other hand is placed on the patients shoulder of the side being examined to ensure that it stays relaxed. The light beam diaphragm can be used during the application of compression. This is to ensure the nipple is in profile, all breast is included in the main beam, both medial and lateral margins are included, no skin folds and an adequate breast compression. A CC marker with left or right identifier is positioned on the axillary edge of the cassette, within the primary beam. Pa tient is strongly advised not to move and the projection is done quickly after that. The same CC procedure is performed on both left and right breast. The CC view with the same procedure is performed on patients both breasts. Besides the CC view, a mediolateral oblique (MLO) view of patients both breasts is also taken for screening mammogram. The positioning of patients for left breast MLO view is to have patient facing the mammography unit with feet pointing towards it. From the position used for CC projection, the unit is rotated through 45Â ° with the x-ray tube on patients right and the beam angled caudally. The height is adjusted to bring the lower border of cassette 2.5cm below the inferior portion of the left breast. It may be necessary to further adjust the height during patient positioning. The lateral edge of the left of the thorax is in line with the image receptor holder so that the left breast also lies next to it. The radiographer then stands behind and slightly to the right of patient. Patient is then asked to raise her left arm and chin. The raising of chin may prevent the superimposition of the mandible over the breast. Patients left breast is then held with right hand and patient is kep t in position by holding on to the right shoulder. Patient who is advised to lean forward into machine with feet still facing forward is asked to lean slightly laterally. The left axilla of patient should lie over the corner of image receptor that is nearest to chest wall. Radiographer then proceeds to life the posterior skin edge of the left axilla to prevent skin folds from occurring. Patients left arm is then pulled across and behind the image receptor holder. Patients elbow is also flexed so that the forearm can be placed on the unit for support and elbow is positioned so that it hangs down comfortably behind the holder. The humeral head is gently pushed forward and the corner of image receptor lies in the axilla, anterior to posterior fold. While the patient maintains the position, radiographer double check to ensure there is no skin fold in the axilla or under the lateral aspect of the breast and to check for and remove any creases at the inframammary angle. The breast is then lifted up and away from the chest wall while holding the patients left shoulder. The breast is then placed on the image receptor and compression is applied. Projection on the left breast is then taken. The same MLO view projection is then repeated vice versa on the right breast of patient. Upon completion of the examination, patient is advised to change back to her clothes. Patient is then escorted out and at the same time patient is informed on her next appointment for the review of results with the radiologist. Any discussion on the results with patient prior to the review of radiologist is prohibited. Mammography has been long known to be an effective modality for breast screening. Such examination improves physicians ability to detect small tumors and early treatment can be performed to reduce mortality rate. Mammogram is also the only proven method to reliably detect tumors as well as all types of breast cancer, including invasive ductal and invasive lobular cancer. Radiation used in mammography examination is of low dosage and usually has no side effects towards patient. Moreover, radiation does not remain in patients body after the examination. Despite its benefits in the purpose of screening and diagnostic, mammography poses certain risks towards its patients. There is a slight chance of cancer from excessive exposure to radiation. The effective radiation dose for this procedure varies depending on the thickness of tissue. However, radiographers are trained to use the lowest radiation dose possible for radiation protection purposes while producing the best images for evaluati on. False positive mammogram is also one of the risks in performing mammogram. Five percent to 15 percent of screening mammograms need more testing such as additional view for mammograms or ultrasound to further determine suspected abnormality. Most of the further tests turn out to be normal. However if there is an abnormal finding, biopsy may be performed on the patient to determine whether the tumor is benign or malignant. Women above the age of 40 are normally advised for a mammogram annually as they pose a higher risk of being diagnose with breast cancer. However, an ultrasound is more preferably performed on patients below the age of 40 as their breasts tissue is denser. Last but not least, women of all age should go for routine breast check up regularly for early detection on any breast abnormalities. Above diagram shows a conventional cassette film mammogram machine. Above diagram shows a Craniocaudal (CC) mammography view in progress. Above diagram shows a Mediolateral Oblique (MLO) view in progress. Above diagram shows a normal (left) mammography image compared to cancerous (right) mammography image.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas of Genetic Prenatal Screening Essay -- Genetic Testing

One of the questions that has recently plagued me has been that of which is about the genetic structuring of our offspring. I ask myself, will we able to choose the physical features our child? If so, do we as a society think this will be an ethical practice? Perhaps, scientifically, this might be entirely possible, but law will most likely restrict it. An article written by Frederic Golden helped me draw some understanding on this hot topic. Golden commences his article with a brief story of a mother and father who have been through prenatal testing. They tested for Down syndrome and an inheritable neuromuscular disease. While it was a straightforward procedure that was deemed valid by their doctor, Blue Cross (their insurance provider) refused to pay the bill, even though it was only $300. â€Å"It often opens up a Pandora’s box of questions that tear not only into pocketbooks but our psyches: What if the news from a test is bad? Or ambiguous? Should the fetus be aborted? Or should the child be brought into the world in hopes that a cruel disease can be managed or cured? And w... Ethical Dilemmas of Genetic Prenatal Screening Essay -- Genetic Testing One of the questions that has recently plagued me has been that of which is about the genetic structuring of our offspring. I ask myself, will we able to choose the physical features our child? If so, do we as a society think this will be an ethical practice? Perhaps, scientifically, this might be entirely possible, but law will most likely restrict it. An article written by Frederic Golden helped me draw some understanding on this hot topic. Golden commences his article with a brief story of a mother and father who have been through prenatal testing. They tested for Down syndrome and an inheritable neuromuscular disease. While it was a straightforward procedure that was deemed valid by their doctor, Blue Cross (their insurance provider) refused to pay the bill, even though it was only $300. â€Å"It often opens up a Pandora’s box of questions that tear not only into pocketbooks but our psyches: What if the news from a test is bad? Or ambiguous? Should the fetus be aborted? Or should the child be brought into the world in hopes that a cruel disease can be managed or cured? And w...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Spanish Painters :: essays research papers

Spanish painter, the country's greatest baroque artist, who, with Francisco de Goya and El Greco, forms the great triumvirate of Spanish painting. Velà ¡zquez was born in Seville on June 6, 1599, the oldest of six children; both his parents were from the minor nobility. Between 1611 and 1617 the young Velà ¡zquez worked as an apprentice to Francisco Pacheco, a Sevillian Mannerist painter who became Velà ¡zquez's father-in-law. During his student years Velà ¡zquez absorbed the most popular contemporaneous styles of painting, derived, in part, from both Flemish and Italian realism. Many of his earliest paintings show a strong naturalist bias, as does The Meal, which may have been his first work as an independent master after passing the examination of the Guild of Saint Luke. This painting belongs to the first of three categories—the bodegà ³n, or kitchen piece, along with portraits and religious scenes—into which his youthful works, executed between about 1617 and 1623, may be placed. In his kitchen pieces, a few figures are combined with studied still-life objects, as in Water Seller of Seville. The masterly effects of light and shadow, as well as the direct observation of nature, make inevitable a comparison with the work of the Italian painter Caravaggio. Velà ¡zquez's religious paintings, images of simple piety, portray models drawn from the streets of Seville, as Pacheco states in his biography of Velà ¡zquez. In Adoration of the Magi, for example, the artist painted his own family in the guise of biblical figures, including a self-portra it as well. Velà ¡zquez was also well acquainted with members of the intellectual circles of Seville. Pacheco was the director of an informal humanist academy; at its meetings the young artist was introduced to such people as the great poet Luis de Gà ³ngora y Argote, whose portrait he executed in 1622. Such contact was important for Velà ¡zquez's later work on mythological and classical subjects. In 1622 Velà ¡zquez made his first trip to Madrid, to see the royal painting collections, but more likely in an unsuccessful search for a position as court painter. In 1623, however, he returned to the capital and, after executing a portrait of the king, was named official painter to Philip IV. The portrait was the first among many such sober, direct renditions of the king, the royal family, and members of the court. Indeed, throughout the later 1620s, most of his efforts were dedicated to portraiture. Mythological subjects would at times occupy his attention, as in Bacchus or The Drinkers.

Teens and Premarital Sex :: Sexual Education Pregnancy Marriage

The Impure Waterwheel Have you ever seen a watermill? Turning continuously, they are bound in an eternal cycle. Continually spinning,, the lack of purity in the United States can be compared to that watermill, a never-ending cycle that threatens to spin out of control. We must intercede. Sex out of wedlock creates dysfunctional families, and teens searching for â€Å"more† in life, who often turn to the reason they're feeling so glum, sex. Having sex out of wedlock is a big problem in the United States that needs to stop. Strained by relationships on the verge of collapse and peer pressure, many teens turn to sex as an escape. Hardly sixteen, Jamie Lynn Spears is an excellent example of how family problems can pressure someone to do things they know they shouldn’t. Jamie Lynn’s sister, Brittany Spears, is undergoing extensive criticism from the media about her recent mental breakdown, this pressure from the paparazzi has taken its toll on Jamie Lynn’s life and she made a bad choice, as so many young people today do. With the baby, that so often follows sex out of wedlock many times a â€Å"family† is quickly formed out of girlfriends and boyfriends who think they’re â€Å"in love†. In many cases, one of the parents will leave, forming yet another dysfunctional family. Dysfunctional families are often unloving and make childhood difficult. Wrestling with their own problems many single parents will simply hang their children out to dry. Basically neglected, children deem themselves extremely reviled and not good enough. Off this assumption of worthlessness, many young people will label or allow themselves to be labeled as â€Å"unloved†. Hated by their parents, or at least feeling they’re hated, teens will go to extensive lengths to find self-worth. While they realize they will never be able to replace their parent’s love, adolescents will always try to find meaning. Teens will search for something â€Å"more† in life, which they never got in their childhood always. If they feel they can’t earn their parent's love young people will turn to other things to satisfy their need to be accepted. Grossly, many teens turn to drugs or alcohol to try to forget their life. Tortured by life, some people turn to popularity to appease their soul, but none of these alternatives can. Craving love, many teens turn to sex as an alternative to facing reality, or simply as a place to find the love they’ve never felt.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Benjamin Franklin…A Misogynist? Essay

You asked us to read â€Å"Old Mistresses Apologue† to see how Benjamin Franklin begins as a solemn friend and adviser to a young man but soon reveals himself as a hedonistic lecher, then after reading you asked if we see any signs of a misogynist in Benjamin Franklin’s letter. To begin I looked up the word misogynist to get a better understanding of what it meant. According to Webster’s Dictionary, misogynist means a hatred of or hostility toward women, a women hater. After reading Benjamin Franklin’s letter, it was hard to see Mr. Franklin as a women hater. I find him being finicky about his women preferring older to younger women being almost discriminatory towards younger women in general, but not actually a women hater. If anything, he has good things to say about women as a whole. In the very first paragraph of his letter, Benjamin Franklin says great things of women in the state of union with a man. First, he states that â€Å"It is the Man and Woman united that make the compleat human Being.† [sic] Those are powerful word to say if you are a women hater. He also states in the same paragraph that man would be of less value if they were not married and they are incomplete without their better half. Hence his words, â€Å"A single Man has not nearly the Value he would have in that State of Union. He is an incomplete Animal. He resembles that odd Half of a Pair of Scissars.† [sic] Beginning after the first paragraph Benjamin Franklin begins stating increasingly how he would prefer an older woman to a younger one saying; â€Å"you should prefer old Women to young ones.† [sic] Then he proceeds to explain why he believes this theory with eight different reasons. The very first point, Franklin explains that older women are better because they are smarter, more experienced and can hold a conversation that is more interesting than that of a younger women. In his second point, he explains how when women get older they can do more for you and take better care of you. He even states that â€Å"there is hardly a thing as an old woman who is not a good Woman.† [sic] Therefore, if Benjamin Franklin was a misogynist I hardly think he would have stated that women were even good in any right. Benjamin Franklin’s fourth point explains how older women are less likely to stray and if they did it would be more accepted by an older woman than a younger one. Since older women are so willing to take care of younger man and help to shape his values and manners. This can be seen best in this line, â€Å"Because thro’ more Experience, they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an Intrigue to prevent Suspicion.† [sic] Now in Benjamin Franklin’s fifth point I see him saying something that can be seen as misogynist comment, â€Å"and regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know and old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey.† [sic] That comment to me can be taken as an insult to women, I don’t think that everything below the â€Å"girdle† or waist is what makes all women young and old alike, but I do see Franklin’s point. Now lastly, my favorite comment had to have been in his eighth point when he states that older women are better to marry than young ones because, â€Å"They are so grateful!!† That comment in it self should be an indication that Benjamin Franklin was not a misogynist, he may have said one or two things that can be taken that way. Nevertheless, Franklin seems to like women in general he definitely had more nice things to say about women than anything else, almost as though he couldn’t be without a woman.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Feasibility of Dried Tobacco Leaves as a Pesticide Against Cockroaches

THE FEASIBILITY OF DRIED baccy LEAVES AS A PESTICIDE AGAINST COCKROACHESChapter I thieve baccy builds in a flashadays argon actually(prenominal) much expected and de valet de chambreded by closely of our dear consumers oddly farmer and now that we are facing an intense stinting crisis, and with that mere stead, the primary necessities which are very much needed by man in site for him to survive his day-by-day living are now of high prices compared to the last couple of years and that includes the directing need and use of the liquefied petroleum torpedo or LPG.Because of the fact that this difficult situation happens, most of our dear consumers really do prefer using alternative briquettes for their incompatible cooking purposes. The purpose of this battlefield is to be able to produce a low-cost, get-at-able and alternative briquette. The tec really wants to bash if banana tree tree peelings can be a full(a) source of briquettes. The investigator collect a ll the materials needed in consumeing the tell test like the banana peelings, scratched written document, water, beat cup, knife, plat pains balance, scissors, molders, matches, pen, and paper and conducted the said taste step by step.Then the detective came up with the results that the molder with water, banana peelings and paper showed the hourlong time of fire resistivity after being lit. Therefore, using banana peelings as a source of briquettes is effective and through this, awe can be able to produce a low-cost, come-at-able and alternative source of briquette. The researcher recommended entirely analyse and some opposite sources of fruit peelings. undercoat Of The Study The baccy localise plant is a very popular material because it is unriva take of the ingre conknts in making cigarettes.Tobacco is a herbaceous plant extensively well-bred for its leaves, which are trilled into cigars and also utilize in making pipes, exercise for chew or contritene ss into pieces or snuff. numerous an(prenominal) commercial employ baccy plant leaves as one of its components. The baccy plant is coarse, stiff growing plant with a unanalyzable cylindrical stem from 4 to 8 ft. in length, growing from central taproots. Tobacco leaves has nicotine, a poisonous, color slight, oily, liquid, alkaloid with a very pane taste. and then, making this a good pesticide against termites and many other insects.Pesticide are widely use forthwith by means of violent death and imperative insects and other pests With this admit, the researchers want to get hold out if the desiccate tobacco leaves is workable as a pesticide Thus, helping them to helper and make this pesticide at home with less(prenominal) or cheaper money, time and effort. Statement Of The line This study aims to test whether the dried tobacco leaves is feasible as an pesticide. This is because tobacco plant is abundant here in the Philippines. The process in making this insectici de is unsubdivided and much cheaper than the commercial pesticide because its just a home- made pesticide.There are both set- ups in this study, which allow use dried tobacco leaves ( thinly chopped ), water, plaster and pestle and a spray container. This study aims to answer the following questions 1. )What is in the tobacco leaves that it is feasible as a pesticide? 2. )Is the dries tobacco leaves effective as a pesticide? HYPOTHESES 1. )The tobacco leaves has nicotine which is an effective component in cleanup position ropees. 2. )The dried tobacco leaves is effective as a pesticide against cockroaches. Significance Of The Study Nowadays, military personnels beings make many inventions, for the betterment of human life.One of this, is the pesticide . This is to pr razet insects from causing legal injury to may crops and other plants. whatever insects are considered to be pests because it really causes damage to many farmlands. And also many pesticide are expensive. Thi s study helps the Filipino people especially the farmers in making a home- made pesticide which is less expensive, and easy to make and youll only employ less effort. Scope and Limitation This study tries to focus only in subtile if the dried tobacco leaves is feasible as a pesticide in exhausting insects especially cockroaches. Definition of Terms Tobacco Plant- is an herbaceous plant, widely cultivated for its leaves, which are rolled into cigars and also used in making pipes, process for chewing or grinding into pieces or snuff. * Nicotine- a poisonous, colorless, oily, liquid, alkaloid with a very acid taste. * Cockroach-(or simply roaches) areinsectsof the orderBlattaria. This name derives from theLatinword for cockroach,blatta. Chapter II Review Of Related literary crossingions Cockroaches live in a wide range of environments roughly the world. Pest species of cockroaches hold readily to a variety of environments, besides prefer warm conditions found inwardly building s.Many tropical species prefer even warmer environments and do not nourishment well in the average household. The spines on the legs were earlier considered to be sensory, but observations of their traveling on sand and wire meshes has demonstrate that they help in locomotion on difficult terrain. The structures have been used as inspiration for robotic legs. Cockroaches are most habitual in tropical andsubtropicalclimates. Some species are in close standoff with human dwellings and widely found around garbage or in the kitchen.Cockroaches are generallyomnivorouswith the exception of thewood-eating genusCryptocercus these roaches are incapable of digestingcelluloseprotozoansandbacteriathat digest the cellulose, allowing them to invite out the nutrients. themselves, but have symbiotic relationships with variousTobaccois an rudeproduct processed from the freshleavesof plants in the genusNicotiana. It can be consumed, used as an organic pesticide, and in the form of nicotinetartr ateit is used in some medicines. 1In aspiration it may be in the form ofsmoking,chewing,snuffing,dipping tobacco, orsnus.Tobacco has long been in use as anentheogenin the Americas. However, upon the stretch ofEuropeansin North America, it quickly became popularized as a trade item and as a recreational drug. This popularization led to the development of the southern economy of the coupled Statesuntil it gave way to cotton. Following theAmerican civil War, a change in demand and a change in tire out force allowed for the development of thecigarette. This new product quickly led to the growth of tobacco companies until the scientific controversy of the mid-1900s.Tobacco leaves has nicotine, a poisonous, colorless, oily, liquid, alkaloid with a very acid taste. Thus, making this a good pesticide against termites and many other insects. Pesticide are widely used nowadays by means of killing and controlling insects and other pests. Apesticideis a centre or mixture of substances used to kill apest. 1A pesticide may be achemicalpest. Pests includeinsects, plantpathogens, weeds,molluscs,birds,mammals,fish, nematodes (roundworms) andmicrobesthat contest with humans for food, destroy property, spread or are avectorfor unsoundness or cause a nuisance.Although in that location are benefits to the use of pesticides, there are also drawbacks, such as possible toxicity to humans and other animals. Thus dried tobacco leaves can be an effective pesticide against cockroaches. It has a foul life that cockroaches dont like. If they smelled this foul smell, they ordain eventually die afterwards because it has nicotine which is poisonous. ( http//en. wikipidia. org/wiki/cockroaches/tobacco/pesticide Chapter III methodological analysis Materials and Equipment In this study , the researcher depart beneeding 500g of dried tobacco leaves ( thinly- sliced ), ccmL. f water , howitzer and pestle , and a spray container . With this materials ,the researcher will be able to cond uct the experiment . Procedure The researcher will gather all the materials needed for the experiment . The dried tobacco leaves will be crush by the use of the daub and pestle. 200mL. of water will be added . Shake and mix the solution soundly . The solution will be designate inside the spray container. Then it will be sprayed on cockroaches. The cockroaches will be put inside a close box container and will be discover for 24 hours. Testing , observation and put down of data will follow .CHAPTER IV Results and Discussions A. Findings pic The table above is the summary of the three-replicated experiments. The researcher observed that container A has always the longest fire resistance compared to container B which was with water, banana peels but without papers and to container C which is the controlled group. In trial 3, the fire resistance lasted longer tan in trials 1 and 2, respectively. It shows that the centre of banana peels is made constant in order for the experiment ti be fair. B. Analysis Of Data he banana peelings have the advantage in terms of the measured fire resistance.The banana peelings motley with water and papers measured 200 seconds while the banana peelings with water but without papers measured 104 seconds and the water with papers but without banana peelings measured 96. 3 seconds. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION termination After conducting the experiment, the dried tobacco plant can be a good pesticide against cockroaches. And with that , it can minimized the consumers expenses in buy commercial pesticides. Recommendation The researcher super recommend further study in the project especially to the use of other dried tobacco leaves.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Abortion in the United States Essay

Abortion in the United States Essay

There are two sorts of abortions.Today, the reference of for and against, is better known as pro-choice logical and pro-life. Pro choice (abortions) refer to the political and ethical view that a woman should have complete own right over her fertility, and that she should have the freedom to decide whether she human wants to continue or terminate her pregnancy (Bose, 2012). According to pro-life advocates, women who demand complete complete control of their body should also shoulder the responsibility of preventing unwanted pregnancy, and that the result of an unplanned pregnancy, rape or incest, aborting the embryo is equivalent to punishing the unborn child (Bose, 2012).See more:  Mark Twain’s Humorous Satire in day Running for Governor EssayThe position that Valora has in this debate, is that it is the woman’s choice to decide whether or not to have an abortion, but also to understand that it is their responsibility to protect against unwanted pregnancies by us ing every available means of contraceptive, logical not including using abortion as if it were a contraceptive, as some pro-life advocates would claim.Its a growing debate among Americans.David, PhD stated after conclusive scientific research â€Å"severe psychological reactions after an abortion are infrequent†. The best indicator of your mental feelings after an abortion is to realize your feelings and mental health prior to the abortion. (

Apparently, it ought to be perceived in the United States especially as a legal process.Some believe women who decide to have abortions will come down keyword with â€Å"Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome†, which is psychological trauma or deep depression, and the American Psychological Association has found no scientific evidence that abortion leads to this type of trauma. Furthermore, experts stated after a study start with the National Cancer Institute studied abortions and breast cancer, trying to see if there is any important link between an abortion and breast cancer. In the end they settled that there was no link between the chances of breast cancer if you had received an abortion. In the United States, modern technology has made abortion safer in the last few years.Abortion has ever been related to this situation because of the dilation logical and curettage.5% of women have serious complication that may bring them back to be seen or hospitalized. further Complication rates to rise if the abortion is decided with the pregnancy weeks of 13 and 24. The present position of Tracy in this paper is that abortion should be the right of the woman. I do not believe the government or any religious authority should make this type of decision for any woman.

Abortion is the simple manner in the gestation.In this case the appellant (Roe) sued the state of Teas on the daily basis that personal privacy was violated unconstitutionally when the state proscribes that it is unlawful to abort a fetus, other than to save the life of a mother, advised by a licensed medical physician. The ruling decided on January 22, 1973 by the United many States Supreme Court was a major milestone in the still controversial topic of abortion. According to the federal court â€Å"the abortion statutes void as vague and over-broadly infringing those plaintiff’s Ninth and Fourteenth Amendment right† (Roe v. Wade).Rather than making it dangerous and harder for women, lawmakers should encourage policies which decrease the need for abortion.No steady state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor how shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or poverty, without d ue process of law; nor deny to any first person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (Legal Information Institute). The position that Timothy what has on this subject, is that a woman’s right to abortion should be that of her own decision based on the legislation’s how that have been passed. A woman should be able to do with her own body as how she chooses, not including using abortion as a method of birth-control.Abortion is not all together without some medical complications.

Its seen as a threat to the health of a pregnant mother.Sometimes abortion can even lead rare instances of death. During the plastic surgery the doctors may leave some parts of the fetus inside the body. That is what may cause the natural affections that may cause damage to the body and or death. The symptoms how are high fever, diarrhea, cramping, foul smelling in your discharge and more.Legalizing abortion she had a deep effect on crime rates.Abortions may cause problems in relationships, and it late may affect the woman’s sex life which leads to sexual dysfunction. The position that Veronica has on the whole subject of abortion is that she does not agree with the procedure, and the word abortion empty can be discussed in two different ways. Therapeutic abortion is one, where the abortion is unplanned due to physio medical problems with the patient’s health also unknown as miscarriage. Another way is elective abortion when it is planned.

Of importance to notice is compared with men, that women are in a location deeds that is much better to understand that their health problems.Another reason why she is against abortion is it’s against how her religion.â€Å"If I make a mistake and got pregnant, then I would have to step up to the plate and take care and raise my child. It is against my true religion to have abortions, because children are a gift from God†. In conclusion of this paper, there are two sides to this debate on whether women should have the right to have abortions in the United States.Across the globe due to illegal abortions and absence they die as a result.Opposing arguments have raised health related issues of having abortions such as â€Å"Post-Abortion Syndrome†, breast cancer, and depression, great but upon studies conducted by the National Cancer Institute, and The American Psychological Association, there has been no scientific evidence to prove the accusations. Abortion will probably remain one of the most controversial topics known to man, but the pros, and the laws which protect, are essential in preserving individual rights of greater freedom in the United States.ReferencesBose, D. (2012).

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